Sunday, August 30, 2009

To cure wasp stings

Here are my thoughts to cure wasp stings.

What is a bee sting: A bee sting is caused by the "sting" of an animal like a wasp or bee, a poison that, when used to pierce the skin of another animal or a human being.

Bee Sting Symptoms: bees can cause stabbing of many symptoms, but the most common is the first will be a sharp pain and burning sensation in the neighborhood of the point of being. For some, this is very painful, much worse than receiving a vaccine in a doctor's office. The severe pain and burning caused by the poison of the bee or wasp poison.

Other bees stabbed symptoms are redness or swelling in the region. I swell like a pancake in the vicinity of a site point. Some people develop a rash or hives and others who are very allergic to bee venom have severe problems, such as swelling of the lips or throat, swelling around the eyes, throat, wheezing, difficulty breathing, hoarseness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness or fainting in blood pressure. If you start to develop symptoms of a serious, go to a hospital ER or call an ambulance immediately.

Bee stings Treatment: There are many treatments for bees and wasps stabbing, and there are a few examples. To relieve the pain of a bite, take a painkiller such as acetaminophen (Tylenol). Some people are a mixture of water and Meat Tenderizer and apply to the bite. Papain, an enzyme in meat Tenderizer, breaks proteins of bee venom responsible for pain and itching. Laat said op voor meer dan 30 minuten, of het kan de huid in irriteren veroorzaken uitslag een bij sommige mensen. Apply ice or in a pocket of very cold water for 10 to 30 minutes after the sting, the cold slows down the allergic reaction of the organism.

Bee Sting Prevention: How can you prevent bee or wasp stabbed? If you are outdoors in spring or summer, you encounter bees and wasps. Do your best to stay away from these flying creatures, if possible. If you walk or grass, mowing or picking berries, you'll find somewhere a bee or wasp in time. Do not swing or react violently towards him, to do so, can stimulate, making it attack and Sting. Try to boot from the road, or slow to react in a peaceful movement. If you have a bee or wasp inside, kill him with a whip or a folded newspaper. Do not take on the wasp dead or just after he was killed, bees or wasps Stinger often involve several hours by muscle or nerve reactions, making the creature able to sting long after death.

If you have a nest of bees out and if you are sure you can kill them safely, dress for the occasion and wait until night to spray far or very early morning, when fresh and the creatures in their nest and are still active. But beware, once you spray a nest full of weeks and soon it will only take a few seconds before the creatures may begin to fly and bite, if not all of them killed immediately. Once sprayed, do not walk or stand near the nest, because bees that are sprayed will die slowly and often fall to the ground and can search by your trouser legs or in your shoes.

1 comment:

  1. Last week, I witnessed a 4 year old girl with her hand and forearm swollen to her elbow, from a wasp sting that she received to her fingertip the day before. The sight of her hand and arm brought tears to my eyes because I knew that if she had had Baker's Venom Cleanser Bee Sting Cure available when she was stung, none of her discomfort would have elevated to that extreme point of swelling and discomfort.

    Our web site has under gone some new additions worth taking a look at. 1988 investigative news video footage by George Ciccarone of Cincinnati's WKRC-TV interviews founder Ray Baker, a pharmacist and others about the effectiveness of Baker's Venom Cleanser on stings in people as the stings occur. This is a must see amazing video about how to cure bee stings with Baker's Venom Cleanser. the link is also available at our web site.


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