Monday, August 31, 2009

Another Tips To Control Wasp

Here are my thoughts on how to control wasp.


The wasp is a common problem throughout the summer in the United Kingdom and other parts of Northern Europe. They are social insects forming colonies inside nests. The nests are often found in soil banks, the roofs, fields and trees and walls.


The queen wasp emerges from hibernation in time mid-April and will seek a suitable site for his colony. The queen wasp then build the foundations of the nest using chewed bark and dried timber mixed with saliva. The nest is at this point no bigger than a golf ball in size and in this nest is established between 10 and 20 eggs. The first brood of adult workers assume the tasks of extending the provision of food and nesting eggs laid by the queen later. In late summer the nest may contain between 3000 and 5000, wasps and measuring over 30 cm in diameter.

Later in the summer, males and young queens emerge and mating occurs. Once fertilized, the queen flies off to find a suitable site for winter. Once cold weather arrives, workers and males become more lethargic and eating ripe fruit and ripe. This can produce aggressive to anyone interfering with them.

The arrival of cold weather kills all these workers and men, and only the queen survives in hibernation to start a new colony in spring.


Wasps to visit lockers, waste depots and dead animal bodies, and therefore the possibility of spreading disease, but is best known for their disorder in late summer.

In the early parts of summer, wasps are too busy collecting food for the nest, but later in the season, as the decrease in larval rearing, the men and turn sweet and become nuisances in homes, bakeries, offices etc. They also have the opportunity to challenge the apparent sting, a habit which increases as the insect becomes more irritable with the onset of winter, and administration fermentation of overripe fruit.


Some people are allergic to wasp stings, but it becomes more irritating, if you do not. Wasps are generally easy to control if access to the nest can be achieved. The control of adult flying alone, difficult to control more than one active nest, wasp traps, however, strategic location, as Waspbane, will attract wasps away from discomfort to sensitive areas such as playgrounds for children or public parks and gardens.

The main objective should be to turn off the nest by applying a residual insecticide to the nest entrance. If the nest found in an attic, shed or anywhere in the house, the use of mini smoke generators is advantageous to reduce the majority of worker wasps. Re-enter nests of wasps should contact the remaining dust, and of course walking product in the nest, doing so on.

The nests are often found in loft spaces, cavity walls, behind panels in flower beds, etc. Be careful when dealing with wasps, etc. in the loft and to ensure there is no signs of BAT activity.

In general, the residual dust is much more successful than residual spraying. Most of the residual dust is ideal, for example, and Bendiocarb pyrethriod.

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